161519 TriKE induces more tumor killing than rituximab in real-time 2-day imaging assay. Enriched NK cells were incubated with NucLight Red–transduced Raji cells at a 2:1 effector-to-target ratio with the noted treatments (30 nM for everything but IL-15 [used at 0.3 nM]) for 44 hours within an IncuCyte Zoom imager. Dead Raji cells were measured as caspase 3/7+ (green)/NucLight Red+ cells. (A) Representative images (original magnification ×4: 2.82 μm/pixel) at 0, 18, and 36 hours showing Raji cells (larger red cells) and NK cells (smaller black cells). Arrows point to killing clusters where dying Raji cells (yellow) are apparent. (B) Quantification of the percentage of live Raji tumor targets (Nuclight Red+/caspase 3/7−) normalized to targets alone and the 0-hour time point. Readings were taken every 15 minutes over a 44-hour period. Representative of 4 separate experiments.