Platelets from CGD patients have similar aggregation and adhesion responses as platelets from healthy control subjects. Platelet aggregation was examined using washed platelets (A-D) or PRP (E-H). Representative aggregation tracings for washed platelets stimulated with thrombin (0.05 U/mL; A) or collagen (1.0 μg/mL; B). Summary data for aggregation kinetics with thrombin (C) or collagen (D). Representative tracings for dose-dependent platelet aggregation to collagen with PRP from control subjects (E) and CGD patients (F). Summary data for maximal aggregation (G) and aggregation kinetics (H) with 1.0 µg/mL collagen of platelets from control subjects vs. CGD patients. Accumulation of platelet thrombi over collagen was examined in a microfluidic flow chamber at a shear rate of 2000/s. (I) Representative images of platelet accumulation/thrombi formation with platelets from control subjects vs. CGD patients. (J) Time course of accumulation of platelets/thrombi development, calculated as the surface area covered by platelets in a fixed field. (K) Total thrombi area after 5 minutes of perfusion, calculated as the average surface area covered by platelets in 5 representative fields. Composite data are presented from 3 separate runs (2 CGD patients and 3 age-matched control subjects; 1 CGD patient donated a blood sample 2 times).