Figure 3.
Figure 3. CMML MSCs EVs have an antifibrinolytic impact. For each experiment, PBS was used as a negative control. CMML EVs are represented in red, HD EVs in green, and PBS in blue. Continuous curves represented mEVs, and dotted curves represented sEVs. *P ≤ .05, **P ≤ .005. (A) Fibrinolysis parameters: clot lysis time (minutes, time between 50% of the peak during the coagulation phase [TNp50Up] and 50% of the peak during the lysis phase [TNp50Down]), Npmax (the maximum number of protofibril per fibrin fiber), Np97 (97% of the maximum number of protofibril per fibrin fiber and corresponding to 97% of clot formation), Np50 (50% of the maximum number of protofibril per fibrin fiber and corresponding to 50% of clot formation), coagulation time (time at which the clot formation begins), and TNp97. (B) Fibrinography curves of our fibrinolysis assay on CMML EVs and HD MSC EVs. In each condition, 0.5 pM TF and 80 ng/mL t-PA were added. (C) Comparison of clot lysis times between CMML and HD MSC EVs. A longer clot lysis time corresponds to a higher clot resistance to fibrinolysis. (D) Comparison of coagulation times between CMML and HD MSC EVs. (E) Comparison of TNp97 between CMML and HD MSC EVs.

CMML MSCs EVs have an antifibrinolytic impact. For each experiment, PBS was used as a negative control. CMML EVs are represented in red, HD EVs in green, and PBS in blue. Continuous curves represented mEVs, and dotted curves represented sEVs. *P ≤ .05, **P ≤ .005. (A) Fibrinolysis parameters: clot lysis time (minutes, time between 50% of the peak during the coagulation phase [TNp50Up] and 50% of the peak during the lysis phase [TNp50Down]), Npmax (the maximum number of protofibril per fibrin fiber), Np97 (97% of the maximum number of protofibril per fibrin fiber and corresponding to 97% of clot formation), Np50 (50% of the maximum number of protofibril per fibrin fiber and corresponding to 50% of clot formation), coagulation time (time at which the clot formation begins), and TNp97. (B) Fibrinography curves of our fibrinolysis assay on CMML EVs and HD MSC EVs. In each condition, 0.5 pM TF and 80 ng/mL t-PA were added. (C) Comparison of clot lysis times between CMML and HD MSC EVs. A longer clot lysis time corresponds to a higher clot resistance to fibrinolysis. (D) Comparison of coagulation times between CMML and HD MSC EVs. (E) Comparison of TNp97 between CMML and HD MSC EVs.

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