Figure 1.
Effect of the FLT3-ITD knock-in allele on APL initiation by PML/RARA. (A) Overall survival and acute leukemia-free survival of lethally irradiated recipients transplanted with P/R-FLT3ki, FLT3ki, or P/R bone marrow cells. (B) Strategy to obtain P/R and P/R-FLT3ki cells in a FVB background, subsequently tagged with GFP by retroviral transduction. (C) GSEA analysis for 50 hallmark gene sets between P/R and P/R-FLT3ki mice. Transcriptomic analysis performed on RNA extracted from GFP-positive leukemic cells. Only significant pathways were represented (with false discovery rate q values [FDR.q.val] <0.05) according to normalized enrichment score (NES) value.