The integrin αMβ2-binding motif on fibrin(ogen) impairs macrophage migration in plasminogen-deficient mice. (A) FSC vs SSC plots for all genotypes represent all cell populations. Flow cytometry analysis of peritoneal lavage fluid at 72 hours after thioglycollate stimulation. Impaired recruitment of total CD45+ hematopoietic cells (B) and monocytes/macrophages (C) in plasminogen-deficient mice was rescued by homozygosity for the Fibγ390-396A allele. The left panels in B and C are examples of flow cytometry of lavage fluid from individual mice. (D) Representative images of immunofluorescence staining of the peritoneal wall of Plg−/− (left), Plg−/−Fibγ390-396A mice (middle), and Fib−/− mice (right) for fibrin(ogen) at 72 hours after thioglycollate injection (40×). Quantitation of fibrin accumulation on the right. (E) Representative images of immunohistochemistry of the peritoneal wall of Plg−/− mice (top left) and Plg−/−Fibγ390-396A mice (top middle) and Plg+/+ mice (top right) of macrophage (F4/80) staining at 72 hours after thioglycollate injection (40×). Secondary antibody only (Plg−/−, bottom left) and Fib−/− (bottom middle) mice were used as controls. Arrowheads indicate blood vessels (black) and macrophage accumulation (red). (F) Quantitation of macrophage accumulation. Quantitation data are shown as individual values with means indicated.