IFN-γ production does not discriminate between HCT patients with different CMV outcomes. (A) Proportion of IFN-γ–producing cells within the CMV(pp65)-responsive CD8+ T-cell pool across groups. T-cell responses were measured on day +30. Medians (81%, 82%, and 77% for EC, SC, and NC, respectively) with IQR are shown for each group. P value corresponds to comparison between groups by using Kruskal-Wallis test. Similarly, no statistical differences between groups by using Mann-Whitney U test (not shown). EC (n = 13); SC (n = 16); NC (n = 13). (B) The 100-day cumulative incidence of CMV reactivation (any DNAemia) by levels of IFN-γ using 69% as cutoff. Number of subjects in log-rank analysis was 9 and 27 for IFN-γ low and high, respectively. (C) The 100-day cumulative incidence of clinically significant CMV by levels of IFN-γ using 72% as cutoff. Number of subjects in log-rank analysis was 13 and 33 for IFN-γ low and high, respectively. Specific cutoffs were identified using the most significant P value approach.