Comparison of the AML and control BM. (A) Immune cells (as proportion to all cells in a TMA spot) and their immunophenotypes (as proportion to their parent immune cell) derived from mIHC and computerized image analysis are plotted on a heatmap and organized by hierarchical clustering using Spearman correlation distance and the Ward linkage (ward.D2) method. Immunologic parameters are arranged in rows and patients in columns. Red denotes higher and blue lower proportions. Horizontal column bars indicate AML etiology, complex karyotype, NPM1 and FLT3-ITD molecular genetics, ELN 2017 risk classification, BM blast proportion (%), PB leukocyte count (E9/mL), and TCR clonality. (B) To focus only on significant comparisons (Benjamini-Hochberg corrected q < 0.05), the median AML-to-control ratio of each immunologic parameter was transformed to twofold logarithmic scale and grouped as anticancer (green) or procancer immunologic markers (orange) according to the literature. (C) Spearman correlation of immunologic parameters. Red denotes positive and blue negative correlations. Insignificant correlations (Benjamini-Hochberg corrected q < 0.05) were blanked. NA, values are not defined (gray bars in panel A).