Figure 5.
Global genetic landscape of the 56 cyclin D1−MCL. Each MCL case is represented in a column and several specific molecular analysis in different rows. From top to bottom: (A) 3 plots showing cyclin-expression levels detected by qPCR (and by gene-expression arrays in 3 cases, indicated with “X”); (B) FISH results using break-apart or specific IGK-enh and CCND2 or CCND3 probes to detect cryptic rearrangements (rearranged cases in dark and light blue, respectively, and cryptic rearrangements are indicated with “C”); deletions of 9p21, 11q22, and 17p13 by copy-number arrays (deletion in pink, homozygous deletion in bordeaux); and presence of chromothripsis (green). (C) The bar graph indicates the number of CNAs detected in each case. NA, not available.