Fig. 3.
Comparison of distribution of γ in red cells of by FACS analysis using FITC-labeled antibody specific for human γ globin.
Left panels, fluorescence intensity (FL1) versus cell size (which is proportional to fluorescent side scatter, FSC); right panels, number of cells versus fluorescence intensity. The same arbitrary scale is used in all 3 graphs for both FL1 and FSC. (A), NY1KO γM; (B), NY1KO γH; and (C), BERK γM mice. Note the presence of 2 populations of red cells, one expressing γ (high fluorescence intensity) and one not, in NY1KO γM and BERK γM mice and the small red cell size in the BERK γM mice both in cells with and without γ relative to the NY1KO mice. The small relative size of BERK mice is compatible with the MCVs given in Table 2.