RTK-activation induced phosphoregulation in PDX-ALLs. (A) Venn diagram depicting total number and overlap of phosphosites identified by tandem MS/MS of XT-ALL114 cells stimulated with FLT3L, XT-ALL22089 cells stimulated with PDGF-BB or FLT3L, and XT-ALL109 cells stimulated with PDGF-BB, respectively. Data were combined from triplicate experiments each comprising all time points of stimulation. (B) Visualization of FLT3L and PDGF-BB induced phosphoregulation over a time course using a log2-transformed scale in 9 pairwise comparisons with varying cellular context. Axis denotes direction of phosphoregulation. Red dashed line corresponds to geometric mean of log scale fold-changes > 1; red dots represent regulated phosphosites with similar regulation in 3 of 9 comparisons. (C) Heat map visualizes fold-change of phosphoregulation of red marked phosphosites from panel B. Log f.c., logarithmic fold-change.