Figure 3.
Nuclear, but not cytoplasmic, GSK3β drives AML growth. (A) The indicated cells with or without targeted GSK3β induction were cultured in semisolid media for 7 days, and relative colony formation was assessed (n = 3 or more for all groups). (B) Tetracycline-induced (0.2 μg/mL) and noninduced controls of the indicated cells were injected IV into NSG mice (n = 5 for all groups except HL60-NLS Tet, n = 4). Mice receiving tetracycline-induced cells received 100 µg/mL tetracycline supplemented water to maintain GSK3β induction in vivo. Mice were monitored for survival. **P < .01; ***P < .001. N.S., not significant.