pFVIII-expressing iMK infusion hemostatic efficacy in FVIIInullmice. (A-C) 5 × 106 to 10 × 106 iMKs were infused into clodronate liposome–treated FVIIInull mice. (A) Human platelets released from infused iMKs were analyzed up to 24 hours after iMK infusion via flow cytometry. Mean ± 1 SEM are shown, with 5 independent studies. (B) Similar FeCl3 carotid artery injury studies as in Figure 4, with the primary end point being remaining blood flow as measured by AUC. Mean ± 1 SEM are shown, with the numbers of independent studies noted in the bars. P values were determined by 1-way analysis of variance. (C) Tail-clip exsanguination studies as in Figure 3, but for pFVIII-expressing iMK infusions. The 3 left-most bars represent 5 mice per group. The 4 right-most bars represent nontransfected control (NTC) or hBDFVIIIRH (RH) iMKs infused into FVIIInull mice, with 5 animals per arm in the presence of 1 mg/kg of inhibitor per mouse. Dashed gray line is 100% survival.