Immunofluorescence staining reveals reduced expression of podocyte marker, WT1 in FibWTSS compared with the Fibγ390-396ASS mice. Fully chimeric similar number of male and female mice were followed for 1 year posttransplant and kidney samples were fixed in formalin after the mice were euthanized, and stained with anti-WT1 antibody. The number of WT1+ podocytes were counted from 20 glomeruli of each kidney section and average number of WT1+ podocytes per glomerulus were calculated. (A) Kidney sections showing similar level of WT1 expression (inside the white dotted circle) in podocytes of glomeruli from FibWT B6 (left panel, n = 6) and Fibγ390-396A B6 (right panel, n = 6) mice. (B) WT1 expression (inside the white dotted circle) is depleted in podocytes of glomeruli of FibWT SS (n = 6) mice compared with the Fibγ390-396A SS (n = 6) mice. The bars in the graph indicate the mean ± SEM. Statistical analyses were done by Mann-Whitney U test and statistical significance are indicated as **P ≤ .01.