Figure 5.
Effect of CUX1 mutational status on OS. Kaplan-Meier survival curves show the OS of (A) patients carrying CUX1MT vs that of patients carrying CUX1WT (P = .02, left), OS of CUX1DEL patients vs CUX1WT patients (P = .004, right). (B) OS of patients with CUX1MT/DEL vs that of patients with CUX1WT (P = .0004, left), OS of patients with CUX1DEL vs OS of patients with CUX1MTmissense vs OS of patients with CUX1MT truncating vs OS of patients with CUX1WT (P = .002, right). (C) OS of patients with CUX1MT truncating vs that of patients with CUX1WT (P=.01). GraphPad Prism 7 was used to estimate OS.