Figure 3.
Morphologic and phenotypical analyses of wt and transgenic BM cells. (A) Cell morphology plots obtained using the forward versus the side scatter signals. Gate 1 corresponds to myeloid cells. Gate 2 contains lymphoid and lymphoblastlike populations. (B) Analysis of megakaryocytic lineage cells by double staining with antibodies against CD41 (FITC) and c-Kit (APC). The figure clearly shows the high decrease of CD41-expressing cells 1 day after GCV withdrawal and their regeneration 3 days after the cessation of treatment. (C) Macromonocytic cells labeled using an anti-Mac-1 (FITC) antibody. (D) Analysis of B-lymphoid lineage on the lymphoblast-like population (gate 2) using antibodies directed against Sca-1, IL-7Rα, and B220. Plots represent the anti-IL-7Rα (APC) and -B220 (FITC) double staining on the Sca-1-/lo (PE) population. (E) Analysis of stem and progenitor cells after lineage-positive cell depletion and double staining with anti-Sca-1 (FITC) and anti-c-Kit (APC) antibodies. (B-E) Numbers in graphs indicate the percentage of cells positive for the given marker.