Figure 7.
Down-regulation of αDGK by RNA interference on Karpas 299 cell proliferation. (A) siRNA-transfected Karpas 299 cells were lysed 72 hours from transfection, and their αDGK content was assayed by Western blot with anti-αDGK antibodies (top panel). As an internal control, the same blot was reprobed with an anti-α-tubulin antibody without prior stripping (bottom panel). (B) BrdU incorporation of siRNA-transfected Karpas 299, 72 hours following transfection. Results are expressed as percent of control (BrdU incorporation obtained from untransfected cells). Upon our experimental conditions, 60% to 70% of Karpas 299 cells resulted transiently permeabilized, as measured by trypan blue staining immediately after electroporation. The values represent the means ± SD (n = 3).