The LMO2 proximal promoter is active in hematopoietic and endothelial cell lines. Shown on the left are the reporter constructs in which the distal promoter or regions of the proximal promoter were inserted upstream of the promoterless pGL2B vector and transfected into 416B and MS1 cell lines. The conserved noncoding sequence, present in the proximal promoter, is depicted by a series of filled circles. LUC indicates luciferase. In the middle panel are the luciferase activities, obtained with each plasmid in transient transfections, corrected for transfection efficiency with the lacZ pEF-BOS LacZ plasmid. On the right are the stable transfection results normalized by cell counts. The luciferase activities are presented as fold-increase over the activity of the basic (pGL2B) vector, which was assigned a value of 1. Each bar is the mean of the relative luciferase activity from at least 2 experiments performed in triplicate, plus or minus SD.