Figure 3.
Figure 3. Lactobacillus plantarum induces the translocation of MoDCs across the epithelial monolayer. MoDCs were seeded on the upper face of transwell filters facing the basolateral membrane of Caco-2 cells (see schematics on the left). Bacteria were seeded apically. Transwell filters were fixed 2 hours after addition of L plantarum (LP) or S typhimurium (SL-WT) or medium (CTRL) and were processed for laser confocal microscopy analysis. Green stains DCs (CD11c); red stains occludin of tight junctions. Right panels: Z sections of the filters, left panel: horizontal section (hs) of the apical face of the filter illustrated on the right showing DC dendrites in close contact with epithelial occludin. For each situation, 1 of 6 transwells is shown.

Lactobacillus plantarum induces the translocation of MoDCs across the epithelial monolayer. MoDCs were seeded on the upper face of transwell filters facing the basolateral membrane of Caco-2 cells (see schematics on the left). Bacteria were seeded apically. Transwell filters were fixed 2 hours after addition of L plantarum (LP) or S typhimurium (SL-WT) or medium (CTRL) and were processed for laser confocal microscopy analysis. Green stains DCs (CD11c); red stains occludin of tight junctions. Right panels: Z sections of the filters, left panel: horizontal section (hs) of the apical face of the filter illustrated on the right showing DC dendrites in close contact with epithelial occludin. For each situation, 1 of 6 transwells is shown.

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