Fig. 2.
Southern blot analysis of glycophorin genes. Left, genomic DNAs were digested with Msp I and hybridized with GPA cDNA and intron 2 and 3 probes, as indicated. Lanes 1, He− control (M+N+He-S+s-U+); 2, He+ control (M-N+He+S-s-U-); and 3, proband GL (M-N+He+S+s+U+). The size (kb) and gene origin of various bands are indicated at left and right margins, respectively. Arrow points to the 7.2-kb marker band known to be tightly linked with S-s-. Right, the probable genotypes for the GYPA locus in the three subjects are schematically shown in which the GPE gene is omitted for the sake of simplicity. He(S-U-) denotes nondeleted haplotype and S-s-U- GPB-deleted haplotype. GL is a heterozygote for the He(S+U+) haplotype. The GPHe gene-specific 9.2- and 4.3-kb bands originating from the introduction of a unique Msp I site into intron 2 is indicated at bottom.