Average ratio profiles of chromosomes 11 in cases with overrepresentations of sequences. The percentages below the case numbers indicate the size of the subclone with gain of 11q as determined by interphase cytogenetics. The arrow indicates the chromosomal map position of YAC clone 755b11, which was used for interphase analysis. For cases 2, 6, 10, 12, 13, and 22, images were acquired and evaluated using the Cytovision software package (Applied Imaging). Cases 5, 7, and 27 were evaluated using the ISIS software package (MetaSystems). The ratios of FITC to rhodamine fluorescence are plotted along the chromosomes. The central line (asterisks) indicates a ratio value of 1.0; the lines to the right indicate ratio values of 1.25 (all cases) and 1.5 (all cases except nos. 5 and 7), respectively; and the lines on the left indicate values of 0.75 (all cases) and 0.5 (all cases except nos. 5, 7, and 27), respectively. In case nos. 7 and 27, adequate material was limited and therefore only CGH analysis was performed. #In these cases, the diagnostic thresholds were not reached. However, there is a clear shift of the ratio profiles toward overrepresentation. In these cases, gains of 11q were diagnosed by FISH analysis. For cases 16 and 25, in which gains were diagnosed only in minor subclones, no shifts of the ratio profiles were observed.