(A) Expression of GFP by various hematopoietic precursor cells following infection with AdGFP. Human CD34+ cells were expanded in liquid culture in the presence of various cytokine cocktails for 10 days to generate lineage-committed precursor cells. Infection with AdGFP (100 MOI for 12 hours) was performed in serum-free medium. Seventy-two hours after infection, cells were stained with lineage-specific monoclonal antibody and evaluated for GFP expression by the respective differentiation lineage using two-color flow cytometry. Based on two-color dot-plot analysis, 73% of megakaryocytic (CD41a+) precursor (A), 78% of more mature megakaryocyte (CD42b+) (B), 32% of monocytic precursor (CD14+) (C), 14% of myeloid precursor cells (CD15+) (D), 85% of dendritic (CD1a+) (E) cells, and 41% of RBC precursors (glycophorin A+) (F) coexpressed GFP. (B) On average (n = 3 to 4), infection with 50 MOI of AdGFP resulted in GFP expression of 61.9% ± 8.2% of dendritic cells (CD1a+) generated with KL, GM-CSF, and TNF-α; 29.7% ± 4.1% of megakaryocytic cells (CD41a+) generated with TPO, KL, and IL-6; 15.9% ± 6.2% of monocytic cells (CD14+) obtained with GM-CSF, KL, and IL-3; and 26.6% ± 4.0% of glycophorin A+ RBC precursors obtained with KL and EPO.