SSCP analysis of EBNA-1. EBNA-1 PCR products were first subcloned in a TA cloning vector. Independent clones were then analyzed for SSCP migrations. The sequence analysis of these subcloned fragments is given in Table 1. Lane numbers in the figure are also shown in Table 1. Migration pattern of 5 clones from NL 21 (lanes 1 through 5), 6 clones from NL 22 (lanes 6 through 11), 4 clones from NL 20 (lanes 12 through 16), 4 clones from NL 7 (lanes 17 through 21), 10 clones from NL 13 (lanes 22 through 31), and 8 clones from NL 4 (lanes 32 through 39) are shown. Control samples in the SSCP analysis include P-ala EBNA-1 amplified from B95.8 (lane B) and V-leu EBNA-1 amplified from P3HR1 (lane H). Several clones from the NLs migrate identically to the B95.8 pattern (eg, lanes 6, 9, 10, and 11 corresponding to clones 1, 5, 6, and 7, respectively, from NL 22).