Fig. 1.
Schematic structure of PML-RAR mRNA showing the major functional domains. The PML portion is hatched and the RAR portion is clear. Numbers in the boxes indicate exons. Vertical arrows indicate the positions of break/fusion sites in the translocated PML gene that result in the formation of three different forms of PML-RAR mRNA: S-, V-, and L-forms. Arrowheads show the sites of PCR primers used in this study. Primers used for screening of the PML region are shown beneath the schematic bar, whereas those for the RAR region are shown above it. The asterisks indicate the positions of base changes found in the PML-RAR allele, and the coding region amino acid changes are shown in expanded form below the schematic bar. The abbreviations are as follows: Pro, proline-rich domain; Cys, cysteine/histidine clusters; -Helix, -helical coiled-coil dimerization domain; B-F, B- to F-region of RAR; ZF, zinc-finger RING motif; BB1 and BB2, two B-boxes; DBD, DNA binding domain; DD, dimerization domain; LBD, ligand binding domain; AF-2, activator function-2 domain; AF-2 AD CORE, 7 amino acid long AF-2 activation domain; 3′-UT, 3′ untranslated region.