Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. CD28−/− donor T cells engraft in both unirradiated and irradiated hosts. (A) DNA was extracted from splenocytes of normal BDF1 or BDF1 recipients of CD28−/− spleen cell grafts 28 days after transplant. (B) DNA was extracted from splenocytes of irradiated (B6 × bm12)F1 mice or (B6 × bm12)F1 recipients of CD28−/− CD4+ cells 103 days after transplant. (C) DNA was extracted from splenocytes of irradiated (B6 × bm1)F1 mice or (B6 × bm1)F1 recipients of CD28−/− CD8+ cells 101 days after transplant. DNA was amplified by PCR as described in Materials and Methods. Ethidium bromide-stained agarose gels show the DNA bands for β-actin or neo in each sample.

CD28−/− donor T cells engraft in both unirradiated and irradiated hosts. (A) DNA was extracted from splenocytes of normal BDF1 or BDF1 recipients of CD28−/− spleen cell grafts 28 days after transplant. (B) DNA was extracted from splenocytes of irradiated (B6 × bm12)F1 mice or (B6 × bm12)F1 recipients of CD28−/− CD4+ cells 103 days after transplant. (C) DNA was extracted from splenocytes of irradiated (B6 × bm1)F1 mice or (B6 × bm1)F1 recipients of CD28−/− CD8+ cells 101 days after transplant. DNA was amplified by PCR as described in Materials and Methods. Ethidium bromide-stained agarose gels show the DNA bands for β-actin or neo in each sample.

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