Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. The graph represent the yield of cells (number) with differentiated phenotype (CD34+lin+) obtained from 100 initial individual cells that have undergone one cell division based on the percent of cells that doubled and the percent of daughter cells that expressed lineage markers (did not phenotypically self-renew). The yields obtained with the combination of SCF + TPO were significantly different (P ≤ .01) from all other cytokine combinations tested.

The graph represent the yield of cells (number) with differentiated phenotype (CD34+lin+) obtained from 100 initial individual cells that have undergone one cell division based on the percent of cells that doubled and the percent of daughter cells that expressed lineage markers (did not phenotypically self-renew). The yields obtained with the combination of SCF + TPO were significantly different (P ≤ .01) from all other cytokine combinations tested.

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