Upper figure compares the recovery of CD4+T cells after unrelated BMT in adults (right) and children (left) with that of adult recipients of a related SBA−E− BMT receiving the same cytoreductive regimen and graft rejection prophylaxis. Unrelated transplant recipients are shown as circles, and related transplant recipients are shown by the shaded gray area (10th-90th%; 50th% shown by white line). The figure also compares the CD4+ cell counts of patients who did (•) or did not (○) develop a life-threatening opportunistic infection during that time interval after unrelated BMT. The stippled rectangle denotes 10% to 90% normal control values. (Lower panel) CD4+ CD45RA recovery in adults (right) and children (left) after unrelated SBA−E− BMT (circles), compared with patients after SBA−E− related BMT (shaded gray area). The horizontal bar represents the median of patients studied within each time period. The stippled rectangle denotes 10th-90th% of normal controls.