Fig. 1.
(A) Western analysis of total proteins obtained from CTL or AdLAK cells from a mouse derived from founder line 33. Total protein from the positive control cell line (419b, lane 1) or from CTL or AdLAK cells from the spleen of a single mouse were cultured as described, and whole cell extracts were made. Total protein content was normalized, and SDS-PAGE was performed followed by Western analysis. The blots were first hybridized with an anti-TAg antibody, stripped, and then rehybridized with antibodies against murine granzyme B and then β-actin. CTL from the spleen of this mouse contains abundant granzyme B, but no detectable TAg; AdLAK cells contain granzyme B and TAg. (B) An analysis similar to that performed in (A) is shown, but with mice from three independent founder lines, as designated.