Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Fas and FasL expression in bone marrow erythroblasts. Bone marrow erythroid cells obtained by needle aspiration were purified by Ficoll and flow cytometry sorting based on glycophorin-A positivity. Erythroblasts were subsequently analyzed by flow cytometry for Fas and FasL expression (A), and by immunohistochemistry on cytospins stained with control (B) or anti-FasL polyclonal Abs (C) and revealed with alkaline phosphatase. A representative experiment out of five performed with cells from three different donors is shown.

Fas and FasL expression in bone marrow erythroblasts. Bone marrow erythroid cells obtained by needle aspiration were purified by Ficoll and flow cytometry sorting based on glycophorin-A positivity. Erythroblasts were subsequently analyzed by flow cytometry for Fas and FasL expression (A), and by immunohistochemistry on cytospins stained with control (B) or anti-FasL polyclonal Abs (C) and revealed with alkaline phosphatase. A representative experiment out of five performed with cells from three different donors is shown.

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