Fig. 1.
IL-10 inhibits the induction of IP-10 and ISG54 by IFN and IFNγ. Monocytes were treated with 10 ng/mL of IL-10 for 60 minutes before treatment with the indicated doses of (A) IFN or (B) IFNγ for 90 minutes. RNA was isolated from the cells, and RNAse protection assays were performed. The arrows indicate the protected fragment corresponding to IP-10 and the control gene, GAPDH. IL-10 inhibits IFN-induced expression of ISG54 by (C) IFN or (D) IFNγ. The arrows indicate the protected gene fragment for ISG54 and the control gene, GAPDH. For all RNAse protection assays, the ratio of the values for the IFN-induced gene divided by those for the control (GAPDH) gene was computed, and for cells that had been pretreated with IL-10 followed by IFN. The values were calculated from Phospho-Imager data analysis. The percentage of inhibition was calculated by subtracting the values for cells treated with IL-10 from values for IFN-treated cells and dividing this number by the values for the cells treated with IL-10 and IFN. The values under the gel represent the mean of 2 to 6 experiments ± standard deviation at the various doses.