Fig. 2.
OS according to the FLT3 and N-RAS gene mutations in each karyotype-risk group. In good-risk patients, the mutant FLT3/wild N-RAS group had worse prognosis than the wild FLT3/wild N-RAS group (P = .05). In standard-risk patients, the mutant FLT3/wild N-RASgroup and wild FLT3/mutant N-RAS group had worse prognosis than the wild FLT3/wild N-RAS group (P = .02).(), MutantFLT3/mutant N-RAS; (—), mutant FLT3/wild N-RAS; (···), wild FLT3/mutant N-RAS; (—·—·—·—·): wild FLT3/wild N-RAS.