(A) Northern blot analysis of transcripts from K562 (erythroblastic), 3T3 (fibroblastic), MOLT-3 (T-lymphocytic), and Kasumi-1 (myeloblastic) cell lines transduced with ▵SFCM (lanes ▵), GATA-SFCM (lanes G), and SFCM (lanes S) retroviral vectors, after hybridization to NeoR (upper panels), GATA-1 (middle panels), or GAPDH (lower panels) probes. Transcripts from the viral LTR (LTR) or the internal SV40 (SV) promoters are indicated on the left. (B) Schematic representation of the SFCM retroviral provirus and 5′ LTR and of the modified 5′ LTRs of the ▵SFCM and GATA-SFCM vectors. LTR and SV40 promoters are indicated by arrows. (A)n indicates the polyadenylation site. The LTR U3 wild-type enhancer (MoMLV-E), the GATA-1 enhancer (GATA1-E), the LTR R and U5 regions, and the CAAT and TATA elements are indicated.