Fig. 5.
Analysis of GPIb and GPIX in CHOIX cells transiently transfected with GPIbβ. (A) CHOIX cells were additionally transfected with the wild-type GPIbβ, the mutant GPIbβ, or mock transfected with the expression plasmid alone. GPIb is readily detectable in cells transfected with plasmid alone (shaded area), the mutant (thin lines), or wild-type GPIbβ (bold lines). (B) There was a significant increase in the surface expression of GPIX when the wild-type GPIbβ (bold lines) is transfected into CHOIX cells, compared with the mock control (shaded area) or cells transfected with the wild-type GPIb, GPIX, and mutant GPIbβ (thin line). (C) CHOIX cells transfected with the wild-type GPIbβ (bold lines) were reacted with the complex specific antibody AK1. Again, there is a marked increase in surface fluorescence compared with either the mock transfected cells (shaded area) or the cells transfected with the mutant GPIbβ (thin lines).