Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Expression analysis of Kpa/ Kpbpolymorphism. Flow cytometric analysis of 293T cells transiently transfected either with pRc/CMV-wt encoding the high incidence antigen Kpb or with the Kell cDNA encoding the C961 to T mutation associated with Kpa antigen (pRc/CMV-Kpa). Alloimmune sera used were anti-Kpb (RAU) and anti-Kpa (JH).

Expression analysis of Kpa/ Kpbpolymorphism. Flow cytometric analysis of 293T cells transiently transfected either with pRc/CMV-wt encoding the high incidence antigen Kpb or with the Kell cDNA encoding the C961 to T mutation associated with Kpa antigen (pRc/CMV-Kpa). Alloimmune sera used were anti-Kpb (RAU) and anti-Kpa (JH).

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