Fig. 8.
Enrichment for myeloid and erythroid CFCs in the lacZhigh fraction of fetal livers fromSCLlacZ/w mice. (A) Representative FACS profiles of forward scatter plotted against β galactosidase activity (measured as fluorescence) for FACS-Gal–labeled E12.5 fetal liver cells fromSCLlacZ/w and SCLw/w embryos. Sort windows and the percentage of cells in each window are shown for lacZlow and lacZhigh fractions for each genotype. (B) Frequency of d2 CFU-E and d7 BFU-E and myeloid (GM) CFC in cultures of unsorted and sorted fetal liver fractions fromSCLlacZ/w mice cultured in Epo (for d2 CFU-E) or IL-3/Epo (for d7 BFU-E and GM-CFC). Values represent the mean ± SD from replicate cultures of 10 fetal livers from 3 litters of embryos. The percentage of fetal liver cells, which were sorted into each fraction, is indicated.