Fig. 2.
Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of VH genes derived from PCNSL. Comparisons were made with the most homologous germ line VH genes. Dashes represent identity with the representative germ line sequence. Replacement amino acids are starred. Blank space indicates nucleotide deletion. The binding sites for JHprimers are shown in italics. For patients 1 and 4, full JHsequences are shown for the clones obtained by PCR using the VH leader and the Cμ primers. Clones with nucleotide deletions in case 1 are underlined. The VH gene sequences have been deposited to the EMBL database with following accession numbers: patient 1, AJ235649-AJ235661; patient 2,AJ235662; patient 3, AJ235663; patient 4, AJ235664-AJ23566; patient 5,AJ235671-AJ235678.