(A) Phenotype of naive AML blasts and leukemia-derived DC (patient TA). Freshly thawed PBMC from an AML-M2 patient and the same cells after 20 days of culture in the presence of GM-CSF, TNF, and IL-4 were stained with fluorescein-or phycoerythrin-conjugated antibodies and analyzed by flow cytometry. To exclude debris, the viable cells were gated based on propidium iodide staining. Histograms represent the log of fluorescence (horizontal axis) versus the relative cell number (vertical axis). Thin lines represent the isotype-matched indifferent murine MoAb control. The number in each box represents the percent of positive cells. (B) CD80/HLA-DR coexpression on leukemia-derived DC (patient TA). Cells at day 20 of culture were double-stained with phycoerythrin-conjugated anti-CD80 MoAb (vertical axis) and anti-HLA-DR fluorescein-conjugated MoAb (horizontal axis). Fluorochrome-conjugated isotype-matched murine MoAbs (IgG1) were used as a negative control. The number in each quadrant represents the percentage of positive cells.