Fig. 7.
Effect of sequential sorting of CD34+/c-kit+/CD13−progenitor cells on the appearance of mast cells at 2 (A) and 4 (B) weeks of culture. Equal numbers (1.5 × 105 cells) of c-kit+/CD13+ (+/+) and c-kit+/CD13− (+/−) cells from the first sort were placed in culture (1st). A portion of CD34+/c-kit+/CD13−cells underwent a second sort (2nd) into c-kit+/CD13+ (+/+) and c-kit+/CD13− (+/−) cells that were also placed in culture. Equal numbers (1.5 × 105cells) were again plated. Results are presented as percentage of mast cells and are representative of 2 experiments separately performed, using PB cells.