Fig. 4.
Analysis of wt and Sl17H mutant cDNA expression in stably transfected in stromal cells.Sl/Sl4 stromal cells were transfected with cDNAs encoding the wt-SCF248 (soluble) and wt-SCF220(MA) or the Sl17H-SCF248 (soluble) andSl17H-SCF220 (MA) mutant isoforms of SCF. SCF-specific primers (upper panel) were used that amplify both the wt and the Sl17H mutant forms of SCF. For semiquantitative analysis and RNA integrity, actin-specific primers (lower panel) were used. RT-PCR products were examined on a 2.5% ethidium bromide-containing agarose gel. Upper panel, SCF-specific primers. Lane 1, water control; lane 2, parentalSl/Sl4 cell line; lane 3, wt-SCF248(733 bp); lane 4, wt-SCF220 (623 bp; exon 6); lane 5,Sl17H-SCF248 (665 bp; exon 8); and lane 6, Sl17H-SCF220 (555 bp; exons 6 and 8). Lower panel, actin-specific primers (732 bp). The molecular weight (MW) marker is shown on the left.