Fig. 5.
Frequency of Jβ usage in Vβ repertoire in FHL patients. Autoradiograms were scanned by computerized densitometry, providing an absolute value for each autoradiographic spot. Each Vβ-Jβ spot is expressed as a percentage of the sum of all of the respective Vβ-Jβ signals detected on the autoradiogram. Some Vβ family members expressed within the normal range were also investigated in each patient. In the TCR V genes with a high frequency (15%), only 1 member of the Jβ1 gene subgroup was highly expressed in 3 patients. Even among the other Vβ family members expressed within the normal range, 1 of Jβ1 with overexpression and Jβ prediposed bias were observed: Vβ13 in patient no. 1, Vβ3 and 4 in patient no. 3, Vβ1 and 15 in patient no. 4, and Vβ13 in patient no. 5.