The nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of PTPROt. The PTPROt 5′ and 3′ UTRs are represented by lowercase letters. The PTPROt- specific 5′ UTR sequence (217 bp) is outlined with a heavy border. The PTPROt putative initiation ATG is underlined and indicated in boldface type. The conserved PTPROt transmembrane region (aa 9 through 33) is underlined. The previously characterized, conserved alternatively spliced juxtamembrane sequence (nucleotides 680 to 763, aa 66 to 93) and the catalytic domain signature motif (IHCSAGVGRTG, aa 323 to 333) are outlined. The stop codon (nucleotides 1702 to 1704) is underlined and indicated in boldface type. The ≈1-kb 3′ UTR sequence (nucleotides 1721 to 2751), which is retained in ≈4.1-kb PTPROt transcripts and spliced out of ≈3-kb PTPROt transcripts, is also underlined. In multiple overlapping clones, 2 nucleotide differences were observed in comparison to published PTPRO sequences. Nucleotide 717 was found to be a C rather than an A and nucleotide 740 to be a T rather than C; resulting triplets encode the same amino acid (proline aa 77) or leucine rather than proline (aa 85). These sequence data are available from GenBank under accession no.AF152378.