Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Flow cytometric analysis of peripheral blood leukocytes from recipients of allogeneic TCD BM and irradiated allogeneic splenocytes. Peripheral blood was obtained from B10.BR recipients of 0.5 × 106 CD45.2+C57.BL6 TCD BM cells and 50 × 106 irradiated CD45.1+ C57.BL6 splenocytes. The conditions of the transplant are described in the legend to Fig 6. Upper panels: the total percentages of donor T cells (upper right quadrant), host-type T cells (lower right quadrant), and host non-T cells (lower left quadrant) and donor-type non-T cells (upper left quadrant) are shown for 2 representative animals bled on day +30 and day +112 posttransplant. Lower panels: the fraction of donor T cells derived from the irradiated splenocytes (CD45.1+, upper right quadrant) or from the donor BM (CD45.1−, lower right quadrant) are shown.

Flow cytometric analysis of peripheral blood leukocytes from recipients of allogeneic TCD BM and irradiated allogeneic splenocytes. Peripheral blood was obtained from B10.BR recipients of 0.5 × 106 CD45.2+C57.BL6 TCD BM cells and 50 × 106 irradiated CD45.1+ C57.BL6 splenocytes. The conditions of the transplant are described in the legend to Fig 6. Upper panels: the total percentages of donor T cells (upper right quadrant), host-type T cells (lower right quadrant), and host non-T cells (lower left quadrant) and donor-type non-T cells (upper left quadrant) are shown for 2 representative animals bled on day +30 and day +112 posttransplant. Lower panels: the fraction of donor T cells derived from the irradiated splenocytes (CD45.1+, upper right quadrant) or from the donor BM (CD45.1, lower right quadrant) are shown.

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