NUP98-TOP1 fusion cDNA. (A) NUP98-TOP1fusion sequence. The germline NUP98 and TOP1 (bold and italic) nucleotide sequences are as shown. The NUP98-TOP1fusion cDNA is as indicated. The amino acids encoded are shown below the nucleotide sequence. (B) Schematic representation of the wild-type and fusion proteins. Functional domains indicated for NUP98 are FXFG, FXFG repeat region; and RNA bind, RNA binding domain. DNA topoisomerase I N-terminus, core, linker, and C-terminus domains, as designated in ref 19, are indicated. NUP98 and TOP1 fusion points are shown with vertical arrows. (C) RT-PCR assay for NUP98-TOP1 fusion mRNA. Primers NUP8002 and HA-05 were used to amplify the 1,677-bp fusion mRNA. Patient samples no. 923 and 1138 are as indicated; no specific PCR product is seen in the negative control lanes (K562, HL60, Jurkat, H2O).