Fig. 7.
Activation of HEL cells by ADP, plasminogen, Sk, and anti-Sk antibodies.
Cells were loaded with FURA-2-AM, and Ca++-mobilizing responses measured. Arrows indicate the addition of agonists. (A) Cells were treated with ADP (100 μM), plasminogen (2 μM), Sk (800 U/mL), and anti-Sk antibodies (30 μL). (B) Cells were treated in the presence of 5 μg/mL of the Fc receptor-blocking antibody IV.3. (C) Pretreatment with 12 μM of the PAR-1 agonist SFLLRN, rendering the cells unresponsive to further activation of PAR-1 or to the combination of ADP, plasminogen, Sk, and anti-Sk antibodies.