Immunohistochemical analysis of mDll1 protein expression.
The expression of mDll1 was detected using the affinity-purified anti-mDll1NDSL antibody conjugated with biotin. Avidin mediates the detection system through alkaline phosphatase (AP)-conjugated biotin. New fuscin substrate of AP-stained the cells expressing mDll1 red. Hematoxylin-stained the nucleus brown. (A) MS-5 cells stained with isotype IgY-biotin control and hematoxylin. The cells show no staining in the cytoplasm and brown staining in the nucleus. (B) MS-5 cells stained with anti-mDll1NDSL-biotin and hematoxylin. The cells show reddish cytoplasmic and brownish nuclear staining. (C) MS-5 cells stained with preabsorbed anti-mDll1NDSL-biotin and hematoxylin. The cells show no staining in the cytoplasm and brownish staining in the nucleus. (D) Bone marrow stromal cells stained with isotype IgY-biotin control. The cells show no cytoplasmic or nuclear staining. (E) Bone marrow stromal cells stained with anti-mDll1NDSL-biotin. The cells show reddish cytoplasmic and no nuclear staining. (F) Bone marrow cells stained with anti-mDll1NDSL-biotin and hematoxylin. The cells show reddish cytoplasmic and brownish nuclear staining.