Fig. 2.
Phosphorylation of the F11 receptor after activation of human platelets by thrombin, collagen, and mAb.F11.
Human platelets were incubated with [32P] for 1 hour as described in “Materials and methods” and as previously described.22 Washed platelet suspensions were activated by thrombin, collagen, or mAb.F11 and solubilized by the addition of NP-40 as described.22 Detergent extracts were immunoprecipitated with mAb.F11-coupled Sepharose (A to D) or with uncoupled Sepharose (E to H).22 The autoradiogram demonstrates the immunoprecipitates obtained from platelets treated under the following conditions: A and E, control, nonstimulated; B and F, mAb.F11-stimulated; C and G, thrombin-stimulated; D and H, collagen-stimulated platelets.