Fig. 2.
Platelets from thrombocytopenic individuals.
Peripheral blood smears were prepared immediately upon receipt (within 24 hours of collection) with Wright-Giemsa stain. Representative regions are shown for 3 separate thrombocytopenic individuals (A and B are from IV-10; C from V-14; D from III-10). Panel A includes 1 normal-sized platelet and a red blood cell containing a Howell-Jolly body due to prior splenectomy. Panel B is unusual because 2 platelets can be seen in 1 field. Panel C demonstrates a Döhle body in the cytoplasm of a neutrophil. Panel D includes hypersegmented neutrophils. Both Döhle bodies and hypersegmented neutrophils appear to be common in thrombocytopenic individuals. Magnification, 1000 ×.