: Histopathological and cytologic analysis of TEL-JAK2 transgenic mice.
(A) Macroscopic appearance of an F1 transgenic mouse showing hyperplasia of spleen (Sp); thymus (Th); and cervical (C), axillary (A), and femoral (F) lymph nodes. (B) May-Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG) staining of blood smears of transgenic mice. Note the morphology resembling that of prolymphocytes, the size heterogeneity, and the presence of a mitotic cell. (C-E) Histopathology of hematopoietic organs. (C) Thymus showing invasion of the perilobular capsule (white arrows) (HE). (D) Spleen; note the loss of its normal architecture (HE). (E) Bone marrow; note infiltration by leukemic cells (MGG). (F and G) Histopathology of nonhematopoietic organs (HE) showing infiltration of leukemic cells in the (F) pericentrolobular area and sinusoids of the liver (HE) and (G) brain; subarachnoid area (HE). (H) Kidney; infiltration of leukemic cells around peritubular capillaries (HE).