Nested PCR amplification of DNA extracted from different BM samples to detect HHV-7 genomic sequences.
(A) The results obtained from 7 unfractionated BMMC samples (lanes 1-7). (B) Both CD34+ and CD34− subsets (indicated with + and −, respectively) separated from each BM specimen (samples 8 to 14) have been tested. In panels A and B, the products of either the HHV-7 nested PCR (top gel) or β-globin PCR (bottom gel) are visualized by ethidium bromide staining. Blank lane indicates samples without DNA; lane M, 100-bp ladder of molecular weight marker, lane C, positive control (DNA from HHV-7–infected SupT1 cells), showing the expected amplification products of 142 bp. (C) The degree of CD34 purification (more than 97%) is shown for BM 8. CD34+ cells were double-stained with anti-CD34–FITC and anti-CD3–PE or irrelevant isotype-matched mAb.