Fig. 5.
Impaired cell cycle progression of DP thymocytes during GVHD.
Acute and chronic GVHD was induced in unirradiated B6D2F1mice. Syngeneically transplanted or naive B6D2F1 mice served as non-GVHD controls. Three developmental stages along the DP→SP differentiation pathway were analyzed at 2 weeks after transplantation for the incorporation of BrdU into cellular DNA. (A) Frequencies (%; mean ± SEM) and (B) absolute cell numbers (×10−3) of cycling cells among DP thymocytes were assessed by flow cytometry of thymocytes from untransplanted (▨) or syngeneically transplanted (□) B6D2F1 mice and from mice with acute (▪) and chronic () GVHD, respectively. The graph represents pooled data from 3 independent experiments; 4 to 7 mice were analyzed for each group. *P < .2 versus mice with chronic GVHD and syngeneic controls, respectively.†P < .02 versus syngeneic controls (ANOVA).