Serum human factor IX (hFIX; Figure 1A-C) and plasma human factor VIII (hFVIII; Figure 1D) levels as measured by ELISA.
(A) hFIX expression following administration of lentivirus 36 μg p24 with (□) and without (▪, ▿) viral accessory proteins in C57Bl/6 (□, ▪) and C57Bl/6 scid (▿) mice. As a negative control for the expression of hFIX, C57Bl/6 mice were given vehicle solution (•). (B) The role of hepatocellular proliferation on lentiviral transduction and expression of hFIX in C57Bl/6 mouse serum. Increasing doses of lentivirus from 8 (▵, ▴) to 36 (□, ▪) and to 108 (⋄, ♦) μg p24 Gag antigen were injected into the portal vein of mice with (▵, □, ⋄) or without (▴, ▪, ♦) prior partial hepatectomy. (C) The role of integrase on the expression of hFIX in partially hepatectomized C57Bl/6 mice. Lentiviral vectors with functional (○) or nonfunctional integrase (•) were administered into mice, and the expression of hFIX was measured by ELISA. (D) Plasma levels of hFVIII in C57Bl/6 (•) and C57Bl/6 scid (○) mice (n = 3/group), which have been partially hepatectomized 48 hours prior to lentiviral administration of 140 μg and 108 μg p24 Gag antigen, respectively. Mean values ± SEM are shown in the figures. *P < .005 comparing hepatectomized versus nonhepatectomized mice in the same dose group. The significance of differences between groups at the same dose of lentivirus (with or without a partial hepatectomy) was tested by a one-way ANOVA with the use of StatView 5.0 software. If a probability value of P < .05 was obtained, the Tukey test was then used for comparison for each individual group with the appropriate control.